Friday, March 16, 2012

Alejandro Escovedo at that Festival Show in Bowling Green, Ohio in 2008 (Bonus Video Friday)

Occasionally in my job as road manager for Hamell On Trial there were perks; genuine perks, once-in-a-lifetime perks.  One of those took place in the summer of 2008 when I got to meet and hang out with Alejandro Escovedo.

For the uninitiated, I consider Alejandro Escovedo one of the five best singer-songwriters currently criss-crossing this great land of ours, trying to spread the gospel of rock & roll.  (The other four, for those of you scoring at home are, alphabetically; The Avett Brothers, Hamell On Trial, Richard Thompson, and Jack White.  Elliott Murphy would be listed here but he is normally found crisscrossing the European continent.)  I further consider Escovedo America’s answer to Ian Hunter, in that he combines the same superior intellect with a passion for rock & roll power and the ability to simultaneously break your heart with a ballad and pummel you with an all-out rock onslaught, sometimes within the same song.  (Regular readers of this blog will realize I do not throw comparisons to Mott The Hoople’s former frontman around lightly.)

That summer of '08 Hamell was playing an arts & music festival in Bowling Green, Ohio, at which Escovedo was also booked.  Ed and Alejandro are friends from way back.  When Ed first moved to Austin, Texas, in the 90’s he sought out Escovedo for advice, counsel and gigs, all three of which Alejandro was happy to provide.  A genuine friendship ensued.  Ed’s introduction of me to Alejandro backstage was, "This is my road manager, Ricki C., he saw The Stooges and The MC5 live when he was still in high school."  Alejandro fixed me with a gaze, shook my hand, and said, "We have to talk later."

And so it was that I wound up sitting at a picnic table at The Black Swamp Arts Festival in Bowling Green, Ohio, talking rock & roll with Alejandro Escovedo.

Now you’ve gotta understand – Alejandro Escovedo is one of my big rock & roll heroes, one of my favorite songwriters of the past 15 years.  Sitting and talking with him put me right back into my shy, quiet, 13-year old, eighth grade self (see The Transistor Radio blog entry, January 2012).  As we sat and talked on that warm evening I found myself really wanting to shout to the other performers and crew members who were eating & hanging out in the backstage canteen area, "HEY, LOOK YOU GUYS, I’M TALKING TO ALEJANDRO ESCOVEDO!!!"  Luckily for any sense of rock & roll cool or decorum I had managed to accrue as Hamell’s road manager, I didn’t shout.  (Out loud.)

We talked about Mott The Hoople and how the perfect mixture of deep feeling and loud guitars met right in the blood flowing through Ian Hunter’s heart.  We talked about The Kinks and the battles between brothers in rock & roll bands, including Alejandro’s and big brother Javier’s fights in their 1980’s band, The True Believers.  We talked about the aforementioned Stooges and MC5.  I told Alejandro about pissing next to a smacked-out & wasted Johnny Thunders in the bathroom of the Second Chance club in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1979 during a weekend road trip to see Fred Smith’s mighty Sonic’s Rendezvous Band.  Alejandro told me about offering a wasted Iggy Pop a ride in his car during one of Iggy’s down & out late-1970’s Los Angeles nights.  (Strange how often rock & roll conversations turn to the wasted.)  We talked about heroes for life, we talked about wins and losses, we talked about shared sonic love affairs.

I fully realize that there’s very little chance Alejandro would recall that late summer rock & roll conversation.  I also fully realize that I’ll never forget it.

The first Alejandro Escovedo song I ever heard - on Columbus, Ohio's WCBE -
 "Gravity / Falling Down Again" from his 1993 debut solo record, Gravity.

Alejandro & band playing "Castenets" from the A Man Under The Influence 
album (2000) at the 40 Watt Club in Athens, GA, 1/10/2017.

(blogger's note, January 2022; I felt like I had to go back in time and add this video from
the Austin City Limits 7th Annual Hall of Fame show - from an Alejandro blog I did for
Pencil Storm, the blogsite I write for now - because it's SUCH an epic performance.

© 2012 Ricki C.


  1. Do you know the names of the songs he performed at the ACL? There's one I really liked and I already have Sally Was a Cop and "Can't make me run" written down. There's another song he performed.

    1. Gary, Below is a list of the tunes from Alejandro's 2009 ACL appearance. There have been a couple more ACL's with him since this one, but I don't know either of the song titles you mentioned. Hope this helps.....

      Alejandro Escovedo / Live Austin City Limits DVD, 2007

      1) Put You Down
      2) Deer Head On The Wall
      3) Baby’s Got New Plans
      4) Everybody Loves Me
      5) Rosalie
      6) Evita’s Lullaby
      7) Arizona
      8) Break This Time
      9) Sacramento & Polk
      10) closing instrumental

      Alejandro Escovedo, vocals & guitar / Susan Voelz, violin & vocals
      David Pulkingham, lead guitar & vocals / Mark Andes, bass & vocals
      Brian Standefer & Mark Fish, cellos / Bruce Salmon, keyboards & vocals
      Hector Munoz, drums & percussion

  2. Hi everybody, I just realized in replying to Gary that I mixed up which Austin City Limits appearance of Alejandro's I posted for Bonus Video Friday. The posted video is from 2007, when Escovedo was unveiling The Boxing Mirror record, not the later show for Real Animal. Apologies.....

  3. I love AE's work and particularly this line-up. I hadn't seen this video though. Thanks for posting it up here.
